Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sanm Graci Creator of Greens+

I am a big fan of electron-rich and alkaline water made from water ionizers that give water a pH of almost 10. Plants love the acidic water. I will be writing about water ionizers in a new book that I am just in the midst of writing. I actually call this water, plasma-activated micro-ionized water, that has a smaller molecule cluster of 1 to 2 molecules versus 10 to 24 in most tap water.

I wish you well as this is a very necessary area and you can make a superior contribution to your brothers and sisters well-being.

Fondest best wishes,

Sam Graci -- Sam is the developer of Greens+ and an internationally-renowned researcher, formulator, lecturer, consultant, and author in the field of optimal health and nutrition.

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