Monday, August 4, 2008


"I was born with asthma and suffered with it all through my teenage years. When I was 24 I moved to Austria and started drinking natural spring water. Within a few months my asthma had disappeared. I had tried many drugs and inhalers in the past and nothing had cured my condition, so this was great! After 6 years in Austria I moved back to Sydney, and began drinking tap water again. Within a few weeks my asthma was back, and I was back on an inhaler again. My partner and I tried many things to remedy this, including purchasing an air purifier - nothing worked. I then bought a water filter/alkalizer from ION LIFE, and within 3 or 4 weeks my asthma was gone again. I experimented with drinking water from other sources and my wheezing always came back. I have now had the unit for years and my asthma has not returned. "

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